Now featuring JJ tubes available for online purchase!
Now featuring JJ tubes available for online purchase!
I started Old'sCool amps in 2015 after building a (kit) amp for a friend. I had become aware of the boutique guitar amp movement and became interested in learning more about how the amps that I had been playing for decades, actually work. While recuperating from health problems, I begain my research and proceeded to build what is now approaching 100 amplifiers, almost 10 years later. All amps are built by my hands only. Ron Jinks
Power scaling by London Power, is the best way to get output tube overdrive at a reasonable volume for the non-Master volume amps of vintage design. With our unique Master volume, or not, that is not post or pre phase inverter, the same characteristics of sustain and increased harmonic overtones can be achieved while maintaining dynamics that can only be associated with the classic amps of yesterday, at any volume.
Amps built on a commision basis can have many variations in apearence and sound. Start with a classic design and ad features that didn't exist on the originals , like multiple speaker outputs, head versions, effects loops and power scaliling. Let's talk about your vision today!
Old'sCool Amplification builds, services and repairs classic all tube guitar amps and some modern hybrids. Repairs start at $50.00 for the first hour and includes diagnosis of the problem, recommendations to resolve the problem and estimated cost of parts and labor. Local customers can pick up and drop off 7 days a wee
Classic designs with modern reliability
select models from 1960-63'
Classic American clean tones
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2 year warranty on parts and labor ;30 days on tubes
Classic designs from across the pond
Unique and rare designs from the not so distant past
see pictures in the Gallery.
A standard 2-year warranty covering all components and cabinetry along with build quality is include with every model (excluding speakers; 30 days on tubes)
Multi tap outputs means that extension cabs;or connection to different speakers is easy.The increased power handling spec means more reliability than in the past.
Industry standard ,made in USA capacitors and resistors result in less noise and better tone than in the past.
The Vintage series hand built speakers are the result of years of research and experience building the most accurate replacement for tweed style amps.
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If you can't stop by; call to set up a Zoom demo LIVE!
Monday - Friday: 7am - 5pm
Saturday: By appointment
Sunday: pickup/drop off only